Orbits and Clocks
Path path, the electron cycles around the poly-tomic nucleus.
Unituniverses curving paths, influencing inter-celestial objects [or vivid spacecraftmen] around stars, planets, moons, radical aggregates in general…
Though, to the extent of thermal][siderations, periodic elliptical revolutions do not exist outside lighting domains_
(sufficiently huge; sufficiently stable)_(sufficiently huge; sufficiently stable).
The Intercycle. Birds and Drumming, talkative and miserable nature of natures. What is left is the consortium of pollinating pollution. And this is the new enlightenment of radical complexity generation.
The Swing.
Pulsing Correlated Activations around regular_Pulsarissimus emissarium: regular pulsameness of rRadio waves-wives or/ut other electromagnetic radiation, at rates, of up, to one million, billion, countable – count on us – pulses-points per inner-second.
The intimate sea, rotating while misleading all our measurements. The formular moment is decreasing with increasing of recognition.
Talking to my friend RNN:
- infinite stars into a native term. In
- stop living in LaGrando, where purported operations needed to produce specific orient
polyhumancers, while the three villages also occur amidst the crawls as to the potential for flates was dominated. For some one slope galaxy, to determine greater corroboration of predators, suffered only in
- time.