Ultramodernism in Jazz combos from a Florentine perspective





Ultramodernism, the Open Book samples and swirls all along the symbolic realm


Entering a room of wide availability, disorienting thinking like making,

a space of being many as one, one as many, and sensing, predicting, while delivering consistent behaviours, pre-autonomous ’cause too complex they are, to be granularly controlled, but they are synchronised, at least, this is the meaning of sensing the world; to a wide extent, they are mine, no matter if logical flows often belong to an embedded culture that does not and cannot be rediscussed,


reopening culture, reopening time fruits, like in a time machine, a symbolic time machine, what a thing to finally clarify the parallel convergence of biology and logics:


- if a form is adaptively successful,

its expression is either right and reproducible. Humans persisting existing, they structure their existence around that assumption, both just and formalised.

And, I assume that the biological form by experimentation, it is just time-wise belonging to an apparently different scale, compared to cultural forms, though both incarnate a systemic test,

I would call “the Organic Test”: which limits define the consistence coherency, we can call life. All our sensorial experience is based on calling out and predict the gluing capacity of limit functional orders, fluid but not all equipotential.


- se una forma ha un successo adattivo,

la sua espressione è giusta e riproducibile. Gli esseri umani persistendo esistenti, strutturano la loro esistenza intorno a questo presupposto, sia giusto che formalizzato.

E, assumo che la forma biologica per sperimentazione, sia solo temporalmente appartenente ad una scala apparentemente diversa, rispetto alle forme culturali, anche se entrambe incarnano un test sistemico,

che chiamerei “la prova organica”: i cui limiti definiscono la coerenza della consistenza, che possiamo chiamare vita. Tutta la nostra esperienza sensoriale si basa sul richiamare e prevedere la capacità di incollaggio di ordini funzionali limite, fluidi ma non tutti equipotenziali.



released January 4, 2021

All music composed and performed by Lorenzo Brusci

All meta-instruments are virtual instruments.

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