You, mirror, multiple lens or vortex of [2] references; enough semantics to […]
Learning how to breath, the circular love, in and out, the global […]
Pray if you can. There’s plenty of time (no time) left. Pray […]
Metal shiny spiders interlude a sticky memory, a mix of organ needles […]
Automatic in-permanent task. “Please, shake me. I will generate the status requested”. […]
They advocated strict adherence to the context. They are its intricate network […]
Theater and-of pollution. When memories (and rifles) occur, vivid points whispers one […]
Grinding – analogy – makes Connectivity Structures Punctually Indistinguishable from Undesired Hallucinations. […]
Morphing Mozart Intentionality: flying orchestras or butterflies. As air-flies. Lilàc. […]
It grew ’cause it has to. Though the noise-meaning in_of time is […]
Exercises on mechanical expression. Grotesque.
Regarding ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘if’ to behave as a dissident. It’s always […]