Alberto de Angeli, Lorenzo Brusci, ALBEIT LOOSE _ Resiliency



Alberto de Angeli, Lorenzo Brusci

Resiliency, by ALBEIT LOOSE / de Angeli, Brusci, 2020
Hosting a significant Unity,
when it comes to creating a spectral platform to host diversity:
music diversity/living potentialSymmetry, Divergency,
searching for a new mindscape, inter-compositional,
Inter-Units -
like conversations, but more,
keeping any trace, active, alive, free -
like being effectively and physio-linguistically
interconnected.Five pieces, a common interaction plan.Small science,
The Wrong Mind, revised.

Transition, Action, Mutation,
- Against the reductionistic-mind
the destructionist-mind.

Revising, the Self-centering-Instinct-micro-defensive,

For a sapiential perspective,
For the Integral-Health.
One Health, Many Worlds.

The Music-Model.
The Ultra-Society.


Lorenzo, for ALBEIT LOOSE, April 2020


released April 14, 2020composed and produced by ALBEIT LOOSE,Alberto de Angeli, Lorenzo Brusci- under COVID-19 restrictions,
rigorously remotely composed and produced in Milano and Montevarchi, (Italia), between April 4-13, 2020,




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