Shadow Thinking in MetaJazz metrics



Shadow Thinking and the Liberation Ensemble


it’s computer music, but it’s jazz, I love jazz thinking as an ideal trajectory towards infinite development, pragmatic unlimited analogy making;
all is played or meta played by the same quarantined person, no surprise so far. I’m, as many are along with me, a constant emergency bridge, between what and how we experienced utterance and a newly dense and forced, constrained, capacity to explore the symbolic mediation: emergency, it has a lot to do with jazz thinking, as a minority statement. The antagonist spirit inside wide spread/horizontal symbolic practices – popular cultures as a bulk bucket of routines – is still a guiding light, when it comes to make instantly available radical value-making strategies.
- Shadow is a relevant musical counterpart of this work.
Allusions, illusions, interplaying, physical, mental, old and new friends, presences persisting challenges, sometimes bearable, sometimes not…
All-together with a personal rethinking of Jazz-Till-free Jazz and its political and psyco-geographic despair.Liberating music from non-liberated-musicians and from the non-politically-aware audiences, was this the aim of free jazz?

Thanks to the afro-american music we Europeans came to know what we could potentially be, outside of any theatrical and entertaining aristocrat bourgeoise stage-power music mechanism,

time to build new intertemporal symmetrical interactive music/symbolic-auditive staging,
where music and musicians are anything useful-to-say I love you or anything you need to express
in ways way-far-more similar to intensive-habitats and living things,
than to a fixed staged music piece or rotten saturated words…

20 January 20231,


released January 19, 2021Music by Lorenzo BrusciAll instruments meta played by Lorenzo Brusci

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