The Experimental Life, feat. Falsini & Perferi



Anti Deception, The Experimental Life, for Electronics, Tuba & Trombone


the art of virtual ensambles,
empathy, sympathy, depathy, repathy, ifpathy, copathy, nonpathy, willpathy, griefpathy, respathy, forpathy, strongpathy, multipathy, rawpathy,in other words,
trying to keep traces of remote, active,
warm and passionate intelligences: called-in,
to contribute and join an internal-extreme
music-constant-living-thinking action.Opening, closing-opening,
Closing, Finishing, Formatting, Publishing, Sharing…
it should not be like Formal Dying, more like Sowing Grown-Up-Gardens.

Detached organisms, intentions-organisations,
Strategically Converging,
Distanced again, unintentional again, retuning maybe,
Eventually re-tensing;
moulding a intense-vivid-symbolic-life,
eventually more-present-one,
organic metaphors, dimensionally un-where-ness,
though so-presenting (…), experimental? yeah…
Maybe it’s more than that.

Operative Pre-texts? Transformational Spacing,

Music as pretextual habitats;

thing-text, will-text, sur-texts, de-text,
full-text, if-texting, power-texting, field-texting,
then witnessing new modalities
of constant-aware-world-making.


Thanks Niccolò, Andrea,
[looking forward to the next SANS BRASS ARCHITECTURE adventure,
we were just warming up our remote-ultrapresent-sensitivities]

ps. a special thanks to Francis Capanni, always pushing and challenging us, and ready as well for the next SBA chapter

Lorenzo Brusci, Montevarchi, December 6, 2020


released December 6, 2020composed and meta composed by Lorenzo Bruscifeaturing
Niccolò Perferi, improvisations on Tuba
Andrea Falsini, improvisations on Trombone

Electronics & Production, Lorenzo Brusci

Tuba & Trombone, recorded by Valter B. Neri

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