Monira Foundation, Art Residency


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For example, how to share and re-activate what happened in 2015/2107, when I was experimenting around Light, Color, geometrical Limits, grids, Opacities and Music Correspondences, often operated live – basic video collections, still available on YouTube. It went first under the title of Absolute Eroticism, and now Metamorphosis Proliferation. Presemantic and Perceptual Instant Making&Deconstructing were the methodological and phenomenological guiding lights.



Or, sense-at what is now happening on my Instagram  re-collections, w, where I gather thousands of daily-altered real-life images, conditioning a new symbolic and abstract world to exist and take in its pragmatic shoulders new experiential and experimental life, well… starting from myself, first aware and detecting new matter-membrane… and I swear to the very essence of metaphysics – language and its fluctuation exercising – I’m the first one to be surprised by the dedicated continuity of this symbolic stream, aiming at a relevant computational autonomy of each state or typological state – next imminent step.

Keeping a sound reference to the Lorenzo/Timet music production system, and the scientific and technology research at MUSICO.

Finally, as the arts well show us, experimental practices have to have an environmental and societal certain energy to consist. Persisting is even more uncertain, this is why you aim at being hosted by friends and mentors and inspirers.

Curator Ysa Pynol is one of those precious proximity agents, and Monira is the mental theatre where this story is currently staged.


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